Stephanie Chan's dissertation, Creative Citizenship: The Impacts of Radicalized Incorporation on the Political Participation, is one of two thesis to receive the APSA Race, Ethnicity, and Politics Section Award.
R. Douglas Arnold has been awarded the 2023 Gladys M. Kammerer Award by the American Political Science Association for his book, Fixing Social Security: The Politics of Reform in a
Lane will give an extended series of distinguished public lectures at Gresham College in London over the next three academic years, with the overall title of “Reimagining Politics: Ideas, Selves
Mark Beissinger's book The Revolutionary City has been named a co-winner of the Gregory Luebbert Prize for the Best Book Prize in Comparative Politics, awarded by the Comparative Politics Section
James Vreeland, Professor of Politics and International Affairs, has received the Department's annual teaching prize. First awarded in 1988, the Stanley Kelley Award for Excellence is given every year to
“Mirabella Smith combines preternatural theoretical sophistication with an enthusiasm for building inclusive learning communities, making them the prototype of the kind of scholar and teacher whom the future academy will