Academic Conferences in Political Science
Graduate Research Seminars
Every year the Politics Department offers research seminars in each of the four major fields of political science: American politics, comparative politics, international relations, and political theory. These research seminars provide an opportunity for graduate students to present their research, discuss the research of other students, and form an intellectual community with students from a range of cohorts in their particular subfield. Students present forms of work appropriate to their standing in the graduate program.
American Politics Graduate Research Seminar
Comparative Politics Graduate Research Seminar
International Relations Graduate Research Seminar
Political Theory Graduate Research Seminar
A sampling of work published by Princeton Politics Ph.D. students:
Alizade, J., & Ellger, F. (2022). "Do Politicians Discriminate Against Constituents with an Immigration Background? Field Experimental Evidence from Germany." The Journal of Politics, 84(3), 1823-1827.
Bell, Ryan (2022). “Terms and Conditions Apply: Symbolic Prejudice at the Intersections of Race, Gender, and Sexuality”. Politics, Groups, and Identities. Forthcoming. DOI: 10.1080/21565503.2022.2026793
Donnelly, Thomas, (2022). "Supreme Court Legitimacy: A Turn to Constitutional Practice." 47 B.Y.U. L. Rev. 1487.
Long, Elly, (2022). “Re-Creation and Preservation: Augustine and Hobbes on Pride and Fallen Politics,” Journal of Religious Ethics Vol. 50, No. 2,175-95.
Mattingly, Daniel C., and Elaine Yao, (2022). "How Soft Propaganda Persuades." Comparative Political Studies 55(9), 1569–1594.
Petros Spanakos, Anthony, & Salome Romo, Mishella (2022). "Moving Beyond the One-Shot Orientation: Understanding and Making the Most of Ongoing Orientations" In Strategies for Navigating Graduate School and Beyond, eds. Kevin G. Lorentz II, Daniel J. Mallinson, Julia Marin Hellwege, Davin Phoenix, and J. Cherie Strachan. Washington, DC: American Political Science Association.
Alizade, J., Dancygier, R., & Ditlmann, R. K., (2021). "National Penalties Reversed: The Local Politics of Citizenship and Politician Responsiveness to Immigrants." The Journal of Politics, 83(3), 867-883.
Bell, Ryan and Gabriel Borelli (2021). “Gendering Racialization”. Politics, Groups, and Identities. Forthcoming. DOI:10.1080/21565503.2021.1955216
Rottinghaus, B. and Johnson, I. (2021). "Presidential “Pitches” and White House Pressure: Interpersonal Presidential Persuasion in a Shared Lawmaking Environment." Presidential Studies Quarterly, 51, 839-859.
Wei, Lai, Elaine Yao, and Han Zhang, (2021). "Authoritarian responsiveness and political attitudes during COVID-19: evidence from Weibo and a survey experiment." Chinese Sociological Review, 1-37.
Adler, E. Scott, Stefani R. Langehennig, and Ryan W. Bell. 2020. “Congressional Capacity and Reauthorizations.” In Congress Overwhelmed: The Decline in Congressional Capacity and Prospects for Reform.
Donnelly, Thomas, (2020). "Popular Constitutional Argument." 73 Vand. L. Rev. 73.
Hochan Kim, (2020), "Entrapment, Culpability, and Legitimacy," Law & Philosophy 39, 67-91.
Shen, Xiaoxiao, and Rory Truex, (2020). "In Search of Self-Censorship." British Journal of Political Science, 1-13.
Yang, Wenhui, and Xiaoxiao Shen, (2020). "Can Social Welfare Buy Mass Loyalty? Evidence from China." Governance, 1-21.
Adena, M., Alizade, J., Bohner, F., Harke, J., & Mesters, F. (2019). "Quality certification for nonprofits, charitable giving, and donor's trust: Experimental evidence." Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 159, 75-100.
Donnelly, Thomas, (2019). "The Popular Constitutional Canon." 27 Wm. & Mary Bill Rts. J. 911.
Alkon, Meir (2018). "Do Special Economic Zones Induce Developmental Spillovers? Evidence from India's States." World Development, 107: 396-409.
Alkon, Meir and Urpelainen, Johannes (2018). "Trust in Government and Subsidy Reform: Evidence from a Survey of Indian Farmers." Studies in Comparative International Development, 53(4): 449-476.
Alkon, Meir and Wang, Erik H. (2018). “Pollution Lowers Support for China's Regime: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Beijing” Journal of Politics.
Berbecel, Dan (2018). "The Politics of Policy Stability: Explaining the Levels of Volatility in Economic Policymaking in Argentina and Brazil between 1990 and 2010." Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 43(1):18-46.
Clarke, Killian (2018). "When Do the Dispossessed Protest? Informal Leadership and Mobilization in Syrian Refugee Camps." Perspectives on Politics, 16(3), 617-633.
Clarke, Killian and Kocak, Korhan (2018). ʺLaunching Revolution: Social Media and the Egyptian Uprising's First Movers.ʺ British Journal of Political Science.
Egami, Naoki and Imai, Kosuke (2018). “Causal Interaction in Factorial Experiments: Application to Conjoint Analysis.” Journal of the American Statistical Association.
Kelemen, R. Daniel, and Pavone, Tommaso (2018). “The Political Geography of Legal Integration: Visualizing Institutional Change in the European Union.” World Politics, 70(3): 358-397.
Kustov, Alexander and Pardelli, Giuliana (2018). "Ethnoracial Homogeneity and Public Outcomes: The (Non)Effects of Diversity." American Political Science Review, 112(4): 1096-1103
Miller, Erin and Atiq, Emad H. (2018). "The Limits of Law in the Evaluation of Mitigating Evidence." American Journal of Criminal Law, 45: 167-201.
Pavone, Tommaso (2018). “Revisiting Judicial Empowerment in the European Union: Limits of Empowerment, Logics of Resistance.” Journal of Law & Courts, 6(2): 303-331.
Raychaudhuri, Tanika (2018). “The Social Roots of Asian American Partisan Attitudes.” Politics, Groups, and Identities 3(6): 389-410.
Shahshahani, Sepehr (2018), "The Role of Courts in Technology Policy." Journal of Law and Economics, 37.
Tudor, Carissa. and Yashar, Deborah (2018). “Gender and the Editorial Process: World Politics, 2007-2017,” PS: Political Science & Politics, Special Issue, 1-11.
Albaugh, Quinn M. (2017). "The Americanization of Canadian Political Science? The Doctoral Training of Canadian Political Science Faculty." Canadian Journal of Political Science, 50(1): 243-262.
Casey, Logan S., Chandler, Jesse, Levine, Adam Seth, Proctor, Andrew and Strolovitch, Dara Z. (2017). “Intertemporal Differences Among MTurk Workers: Time-Based Sample Variations and Implications for Online Data Collection.” SAGE Open.
Clarke, Killian. (2017). "Social Forces and Regime Change: Beyond Class Analysis." World Politics, 69(3), 569-602.
Condra, L., Isaqzadeh, M., & Linardi, S. (2017). "Clerics and Scriptures: Experimentally Disentangling the Influence of Religious Authority in Afghanistan." British Journal of Political Science, 1-19.
Kosterina, Svetlana (2017). “Why Vote for a Co-Opted Party? Endogenous Government Power Increases and Control of Opposition Politicians in Authoritarian Regimes.” Comparative Political Studies, 50(9):1155 - 1185.
Kustov, Alexander (2017). "How Ethnic Structure Affects Civil Conflict: A Model of Endogenous Ethnic Grievance." Conflict Management and Peace Science, 34 (6):660-679
Pavone, Tommaso (2017). “Il Diritto dell’Unione Europea e l’Analisi Sociologica del Rinvio Pregiudiziale in Italia.” Rivista Trimestrale Degli Appalti, 14(2):431-452. [English translation: “European Union Law and the Sociological Analysis of the Preliminary Reference Procedure in Italy.”]
Shahshahani, Sepehr and Liu, Lawrence (2017). "Religion and Judging on the Federal Courts of Appeals." Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 716.
Strolovitch, Dara Z., Wong, Janelle and Proctor, Andrew (2017). “A Possessive Investment in White Heteropatriarchy? The 2016 Election and the Politics of Gender and Sexuality.” Politics, Groups, and Identities, 5:353-63.
Alkon, Meir, Harish, S.P. and Urpelainen, Johannes (2016). “Household Energy Access and Expenditure in Developing Countries: Evidence from India, 1987-2010,” Energy for Sustainable Development (December 2016).
Carter, Perry, Brady, Anne-Marie and Pavlov, Evgeny (2016). "Russia’s “Smart Power” Foreign Policy and Antarctica." The Polar Journal, 6(2):259-272.
Chan, Stephanie and Rolfe, Meredith (2016). “Voting and Participation.” In Oxford University Handbook of Political Networks, ed. Jen Victor, Alex Thompson, and Mark Lubell. Oxford University Press.
Easley, Leif-Eric and Park (2016). "China’s Norms in its Near Abroad: Understanding Beijing's North Korea Policy." Journal of Contemporary China, 25(101):651-668.
Hayes Meizoso, Beatriz (2016). "An Interpretation to End All Wars? U.S. Public Perceptions of International Organizations and the American Use of Force." Duke University Political Science Standard, VI(I): 1-37.
Kelemen, R. Daniel, and Pavone, Tommaso (2016). “Mapping European Law.” Journal of European Public Policy 23 (8):1118-1138.
Pavone, Tommaso (2016). “Democracy by Lawsuit: Or, Can Litigation Alleviate the EU’s “Democratic Deficit?” Constitutional Studies, 2:59-80.
Tudor, C. L. and H. Appel (2016). "Who is to Blame for Falling Corporate Taxes in Europe? The Politics of Tax Competition from EU Enlargement to the European Fiscal Crises," East European Politics & Societies & Cultures, 30(4): 855-884.
Urzua Valverde, Maria Jose (2016). "Los Drechos Humanos y la Democracia en el Sistema Interamericano", co-authored with Natalia Saltalamacchia, Mexico, Instituto Nacional Electoral.
Urzua Valverde, Maria Jose (2016). “La Alianza del Pacífico: Mitos y Realidades”, co-authored with Natalia Saltalamacchia, Incidencias Regionales y Globales de la Alianza del Pacífico, edited by Stefan Jost and Eduardo Pastrana, Mexico, Gedisa-Fundación Konrad Adenauer, 101-124.