To be awarded the A.B. degree, Princeton undergraduates must concentrate in a particular academic department. Politics is one of the most popular majors on campus, with more than 150 juniors and seniors enrolled in a typical year.
Students select a major in the Spring of the sophomore year. In March, the Department of Politics hosts a Sophomore Open House where prospective students can learn more about the major and hear from faculty representatives. The Department also holds individual advising sessions for all sophomores who declare Politics as their major.
To declare Politics, sophomores must normally have completed, as prerequisites, two Politics courses. It is strongly recommended that one or both of these courses be at the 200-level. If you are considering Politics as your major, be sure to complete these prerequisites, and try to complete your analytical requirement during your sophomore year if possible.
Although students are not required to select a departmental track to graduate with a degree in Politics, some may choose to specialize in one, and will receive an attestation from the Department upon completion of the track.
Finally, it is possible for students, with the approval of the Cognate Approval Adviser, to put together a special program that combines the study of politics with the study of some other discipline or geographic area.
The links listed below provide more details about particular aspects of the Politics major.