On December 18, Professor Leonard Wantchekon gave a plenary address at the 2024 Conference of African Materials Research Society, in Kigali, Rwanda, alongside the 2010 Nobel Laureate in Physics, Professor Konstantin Novoselov,(Manchester), and the 2018, Nobel laureate in Chemistry, Professor Frances Arnold (CalTech).
The title of his talk was "Innovation, State Capacity and Development in Africa".
In his address, Professor Wantchekon argues that scientific innovation has the potential to profoundly shape governments and the social infrastructure of African countries, which is the most effective mechanism for sustained economic prosperity. He calls for promoting stronger ties between research in natural and social sciences, for engaging in a race to the frontier of knowledge with major R&D investments by governments. In light of his experience in setting up the African School of Economics, he urges leading African Scientists to engage in ambitious academic entrepreneurship.