The Department of Politics offers four optional Departmental Tracks that provide more focused guidance to students who wish to address themes that bridge the sub-fields. They include the following:
- Track in American Ideas and Institutions
- Track in Political Economy
- Track in Quantitative and Analytical Political Science
- Track in Race and Identity
You are encouraged to navigate to the links highlighted above to learn more about these tracks. Feel free to also contact any of the Track Advisors directly to further inquire about their requirements.
Only students who declare Politics as their major are eligible to pursue these tracks. Students should inform the Undergraduate Program Manager of their intention to pursue a track during the sophomore declaration period, and no later than February 1 of their junior year. The tracks provide additional guidance for structuring the program of study as a Politics major, but students are not required to select a track to graduate with a degree in Politics. Students who pursue a track will still need to fulfill the requirements of a Politics major. Courses may simultaneously fulfill both the track requirements and the Politics major requirements.
All courses taken to satisfy a track must be a on a graded basis and will factor into the Honors calculation.
Please note: The degree will read A.B. in Politics and unlike University Certificates, the departmental track will not appear on the transcript. Politics majors who successfully complete the track's requirements will receive a departmental attestation on Class Day.