The Departmental Track in Quantitative and Analytical Political Science (QAPS) is designed for students who wish to deepen their understanding of quantitative and analytical methods to study key questions in political science.
MAT 175 (or its equivalent EGR 192, MAT 201, MAT 203)
Track Requirements
In addition to the prerequisite, students must complete four courses among those listed below in either quantitative or analytical methods, along with seven other departmental courses.
Of the following eight courses, students must take four with at least one being in Quantitative Analysis as well as at least one from the Game Theory and Applications category.
Quantitative Analysis
SOC 245/POL 245: Visualizing Data
POL 345: Introduction to Quantitative Social Science
POL 346: Applied Quantitative Analysis
Game Theory and Applications
POL 250: Introduction to Game Theory
POL 347/ECO 347: Game Theory in Politics
POL 349: Political Economy
SPI 329/POL 350: Comparative Political Economy for Policy Making*
POL 352: Comparative Political Economy*
*NOTE: Students may either take SPI 329/POL 350 or POL 352 - not both.
Senior Thesis
While a student in the track must write a thesis on a topic related to the student's primary field, the thesis must also incorporate quantitative and/or analytics methods at a level similar or superior to the material covered in the track requirements. The student should meet with the QAPS adviser during the fall semester of senior year to confirm the suitability of their thesis research design. On or before the thesis draft deadline, the appropriate content of the thesis must be certified by the QAPS adviser.
Questions regarding the Track in Quantitative and Analytical Political Science should be directed to Prof. Gleason Judd.
NOTE: Any student, regardless of whether they are pursuing the QAPS track, may utilize the QAPS Consulting Service, which is designed to help with research design, statistics, formal theory, and computational questions arising from one's research. Visit the QAPS website for more information.
Please note: The degree will read A.B. in Politics and unlike University Certificates, the departmental track will not appear on the transcript. Politics majors who successfully complete the track’s requirements will receive a departmental attestation on Class Day.