The Program on Race, Ethnicity, and Identity in Politics (PREIP) organizes thematic events and other initiatives linked to the study of race, ethnicity, and identity, including a department-wide speakers’ series and workshops on research issues related to the study of the politics of racial, ethnic, and other minoritized subpopulations. This inter-subfield program intends to create a supportive and generative community of faculty and graduate students working on a range of related topics including racism, colonialism, citizenship, contentious politics, social movements, and gender inequalities.

PREIP events for the 2021-2022 will be posted to the Politics website soon.


Ismail White

Executive Committee

Rafaela M. Dancygier

Paul Frymer

Amaney A. Jamal

Tali Mendelberg

Corrine McConnaughy

Layna Mosley

Andrew Reynolds

LaFleur Stephens-Dougan

Anna Stilz

Leonard Wantchekon

Frederick F Wherry

Deborah J. Yashar