The department participates in the Program in Political Philosophy, a joint endeavor of the Departments of Classics, History, Philosophy, Politics, and Religion.

Students in this program apply to one of these five departments and also do work in one or more of the other departments. Students who enter the program through the Department of Politics may offer two fields in political philosophy for their General Examination: the regular field in political theory and a related substitute field in the Departments of Classics, History, Philosophy or Religion. Such proposals require the endorsement of the Director of the Program in Political Philosophy and the department's Graduate Committee.

Politics faculty affiliated with the program include Charles Beitz, Melissa Lane, Stephen Macedo, Jan-Werner Mueller, Alan Patten, and Anna Stilz.

The Program in Political Philosophy also sponsors an interdisciplinary colloquium for faculty and graduate students. Faculty from the nearby Institute for Advanced Study also participate in the Program. At the colloquium, scholars from Princeton and other universities present papers, give lectures, and lead seminars on a broad range of topics.

There is a complete description of the program in the Graduate School Announcement.