Hye Young You holds a joint appointment in the Department of Politics and the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs.
Her primary research focuses on how interest groups influence democratic representation in the United States. By focusing on the role of interest group lobbying in American politics, her research examines the specific mechanisms and strategies that interest groups use to lobby and sheds light on groups that play a crucial role, but have been understudied, in policymaking. She also studies how politicians are informed and how interest groups can control the provision of information to policymakers. In addition to her core research agenda on lobbying, she is interested in federalism and local political economy, focusing on how local government finances affect the provision of local public goods and intergovernmental relations. Her research has appeared in the American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, and other outlets. Professor You’s work has been recognized by five discipline-wide Best Paper awards from the American Political Science Association.
Hye Young You received her B.A. at Seoul National University in South Korea, her M.A. at The University of Chicago, and her PhD at Harvard University.
Selected Publications
“How Are Politicians Informed? Witness Testimony and Information Provision in Congress'' (with Pamela Ban and Ju Yeon Park), American Political Science Review, 117(1):122-139 (2023)
“Lobbyists as Gatekeepers: Theory and Evidence'' (with Alexander V. Hirsch, Karam Kang, and B. Pablo Montagnes), Journal of Politics, 85(2):731-748 (2023)
“Bureaucratic Revolving Doors and Interest Group Participation in Policymaking'' (with Kyuwon Lee), Journal of Politics, 85(2):701-717 (2023)
“Exit Strategy: Career Concerns and Revolving Doors in Congress'' (with Michael E. Shepherd), American Political Science Review, 114(1): 270-284 (2020)
“Legislators as Lobbyists'' (with Melinda N. Ritchie), Legislative Studies Quarterly, 44(1): 65-95 (2019)
“Who Pays for Government? Descriptive Representation and Exploitative Revenue Sources'' (with Michael W. Sances), Journal of Politics, 79(3): 1090-1094 (2017)
“Cities as Lobbyists'' (with Rebecca Goldstein), American Journal of Political Science, 61(4): 864-876 (2017)
“Ex Post Lobbying,'' Journal of Politics, 79(4): 1162-1176 (2017)
Selected Honors and Awards
2023. Deil S. Wright Award for the Best Paper in Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations at the American Political Science Association
2022. CQ Press Best Paper Award in the Legislative Studies Section at the American Political Science Association
2022. Founders Best Paper Award Honoring Bert Rockman in the Presidents and Executive Politics Section at the American Political Science Association
2020. Jewell-Loewenberg Award for the Best Article in the Area of American Politics Published in Legislative Studies Quarterly
2016. Deil S. Wright Award for the Best Paper in Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations at the American Political Science Association