Princeton’s program of financial support for graduate students aims to be generous. Financial awards to admitted students typically consist of a combination of University fellowships, summer stipends and teaching assistantships. Students making satisfactory progress can normally expect to receive full support for five years and, if necessary, at least partial support in their sixth year (see the sixth-year funding page for more information).

Students may supplement their university fellowship support by working with faculty members as research assistants. Advanced students may also apply for fellowship and research support from various interdisciplinary research programs and centers at the University.

Support for travel to academic conferences is available from the Office of the Dean of the Graduate School.  Students may apply for additional travel support from the department's Stafford Fund.

The Department encourages students (and prospective applicants) to apply for fellowships and grants from national, international and foundation sources. Certain external fellowships and internal research assistantships may reduce the teaching requirement.  A list of these fellowships can be obtained from the graduate program office.