Andy Guess (Ph.D. Columbia University) is an associate professor of politics and public affairs and the Director of Undergraduate Studies. His research and teaching interests lie at the intersection of political communication, public opinion, and political behavior.
Via a combination of experimental methods, large datasets, machine learning, and innovative measurement, he studies how people choose, process, spread, and respond to information about politics. Recent work investigates the extent to which online Americans' news habits are polarized (the popular "echo chambers" hypothesis), patterns in the consumption and spread of online misinformation, and the effectiveness of efforts to counteract misperceptions encountered on social media. Coverage of these findings has appeared in The New York Times, The New Yorker, Slate, The Chronicle of Higher Education, and other publications.
His research has been supported by grants from the Volkswagen Foundation, Russell Sage Foundation, and the American Press Institute and published in peer-reviewed journals such as the American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, and Political Analysis.
Selected Publications
"Measure for Measure: An Experimental Test of Online Political Media Exposure." Political Analysis (2015).
"When Treatments Are Tweets: A Network Mobilization Experiment Over Twitter" (with Alexander Coppock and John Ternovski). Political Behavior (2015).
"Does Counter-Attitudinal Information Cause Backlash? Results from Three Large Survey Experiments" (with Alexander Coppock). British Journal of Political Science (2018).