Please note: Courses offerings listed below are tentative and subject to change.

Fall 2025

Course Number Course Title Instructor Subfield
POL 210 Political Theory Ogunye PT
POL 220/SPI 310 American Politics Frymer AP
POL 230/SPI 325 Introduction to Comparative Politics  Wiedemann CP
POL 240/SPI 312 International Relations Moravcsik IR
POL 300, L01 Conducting Independent Research in Political Science (quantitative) Kastellec Other
POL 300, L02 Conducting Independent Research in Political Science (conceptual) Xu


POL 301/CLA 301/HLS 303/PHI 353 Political Theory, Athens to Augustine Lane PT
SPI 370/POL 308/CHV 301 Ethics and Public Policy Macedo PT
POL 315 Constitutional Interpretation George AP/PT
POL 320 Judicial Politics Kastellec AP
POL 329 Policy Making in America Cameron AP
POL 342/AMS 342/AAS 332 (new) Racial Climate and Multiracial Democracy Stephens-Dougan AP
POL 345/SOC 305/SPI 211* Introduction to Quantitative Social Science Yu FQ
POL 346* Applied Quantitative Analysis Spirling FQ
POL 349

Political Economy

Staff AP/CP
POL 385 International Political Economy Staff IR
POL 386 Violent Politics  Shapiro CP/IR
SPI 316/POL 399 China's Foreign Relations Green-Riley IR
POL 423 AP Seminar: The Politics of Supreme Court Appointments Cameron AP
SPI 327/AMS 327/POL 428 The American State Staszak AP
POL 430/SPI 424 CP Seminar: Military, State, and Society Lotito CP
POL 434 CP Seminar: The Political Economy of China, Past and Present Xu CP
LAS 323/POL 461 Latin American Perspectives on the Rise of China Albright Other
CHV 367/POL 475/PHI 368 A Democratic Philosophy Pettit PT
POL 477/CHV477/JRN 477 Expressive Rights and Wrongs - Speech, Offense, Commemoration  Macedo AP/PT
POL 490 (new) Integrity and Political Responsibility  Snell Other
POL 491/CLA 491/HUM 490 The Politics of Higher Education: Competing Visions of the University Londregan AP

Spring 2026

Course Number Course Title Instructor Subfield
POL 250* Introduction to Game Theory Staff FQ
POL 303 Modern Political Theory Conti PT
POL 309/REL 309 Politics and Religion Mueller PT
POL 316 Civil Liberties George AP/PT
POL 318 Law and Society Stazsak AP
POL 324 Congressional Politics Lee AP
POL 3xx (new) What Does the Public Want and Do They Get It? Prior AP
POL 335 The Political Economy of the United States McCarty AP
POL 344/AAS 344/AMS 244 Race and Politics in the United States Stephens-Dougan AP
POL 347/ECO 347* Game Theory in Politics Iaryczower FQ
POL 348/SPI 348/AAS 340 Race and Electoral Systems White AP
POL 351/SPI 311/LAS 371 The Politics of Development Kohli CP
POL 3xx (new) Good Government: History and Practice Widner CP
POL 362/EAS 362/SPI 323 Chinese Politics Truex CP
POL 364/NES 322

Politics of the Middle East

Nugent CP
POL 379 Politics of Southeast Asia Kuipers CP
POL 396 International Organizations Vreeland IR
POL 4xx (new) PT Seminar: Democracy, Expertise, and the Deep State Macedo/Hahm PT
POL 420 AP Seminar: Threats to Democracy Frymer AP
POL 432/SPI 426 CP Seminar: Democratic Backsliding and the Demise of Democracy van Noort CP
POL 441 IR Seminar: Theories of International Order Ikenberry IR
POL 442 IR Seminar: Contesting Globalization - Actors, Interests, Outcome Kapstein IR
POL 4xx (new) CP Seminar: The Politics of Corruption Tunon CP
POL 4xx/CHV xxx (new) PT Seminar: Authority and (dis)obedience Ogunye PT
ECS 338/POL 473 Fascism: Politics and Culture Mueller PT
POL 4xx (new) Constitution and the Presidency  Franck Other

Subfield Key

  • AP: American Politics
  • CP: Comparative Politics
  • FQ: Formal & Quantitative
  • IR: International Relations
  • PT: Political Theory

*Denotes that a course satisfies the department's analytical requirement for concentrators.