
This session will focus on providing constructive feedback for working papers. One graduate student or post-doc will have the opportunity to serve as the model paper, with others in attendance working alongside Professor Dionne to provide feedback.

Kim Yi Dionne is an Associate Professor of Political Science at UC Riverside. In 2022, she was honored with the prestigious title of "Professor of the Year" by the University Honors program. Her research focuses on health interventions, politics, and public opinion, primarily in African countries. She earned her Ph.D. in political science from UCLA, where she was a Foreign Languages and Area Studies (FLAS) fellow in Kiswahili/African Studies. As a Fulbright Scholar in Malawi from 2008 to 2009, she gained invaluable insights into African politics and society. Prior to joining UC Riverside, she held academic positions at Smith College and Texas A&M University.

Professor Dionne is the editor-in-chief of Good Authority, a blog on politics and political science, and co-hosts Ufahamu Africa, a podcast about life and politics on the continent. Alongside political science colleagues Jennifer Merolla and Marissa Brookes, she initiated the Minority-Serving Institution Research Academy (MSIRA), supported by the National Science Foundation.

In 2018, Cambridge University Press published her groundbreaking book, "Doomed Interventions: The Failure of Global Responses to AIDS in Africa," which has received acclaim for its insightful analysis and scholarship.


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